Order Entry UI Sprint 11 Progress

Hi guys, hope all is well.

We began sprint 11 to implement all remaining and required functionalities for the Consolidated Entry UIproject. Below were the objectives slated for this current sprint.

The sprint objectives are

  • Clean up the codebase
  • make already existing implementations bug-free
  • Start implementation of ordering from set functionality

Achieved Objectives

  • Started Implementation of ordering from set functionality
  • 50% done with cleaning up of the codebase
  • Fixed some of the bugs in the codebase and working on cleaning up others

Sprint 11 JIRA Board https://issues.openmrs.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=178&projectKey=OEUI&view=detail&selectedIssue=OEUI-273

Github Repo:



Open Web Application for Order Entry. Contribute to openmrs/openmrs-owa-orderentry development by creating an account on GitHub.

CC: @ddesimone, @dkayiwa, @efosa, @jeiddiah, @rhenshaw56, @michael, @darius

Some of our progress screenshots can be found below

Thanks @daramola98!

I’ve been doing some testing and have entered the following tickets for what I’ve seen:

OEUI-282 (New) and (Revise) should not appear on order list

OEUI-281 allow discontinue of Test Order from the order list <----highest priority

OEUI-280 UI Improvements on Order List page

OEUI-279 Order List page number showing as “NaN” <- already in code review

As indicated above, I think OEUI-281 is the highest priority of these.

Nice work everyone! This has really come together. I encourage others to go and test!


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Thank you, David. We would be working on the tickets.
