Order Entry issues in 2.10.0 version

Application Name: docker image: openmrs/openmrs-reference-application-distro:2.10 Version Number: 2.10.0


Dear all, I’ve been configuring OpenMRS with the Reference Application 2.10.0 Addon. Installation works fine but one of the requirements is the Order Entry owa module.

I installed the owa module (openmrs-owa-orderentry 1.1.0) and followed the instructions for configuring the encounter type and roles following this instructable https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/projects/Order+Entry+UI+Administrator+Guide

But after this two problems rise. first I dont see the widget in the active visits page, and second when I enter to manage the OWA Apps and entering the Order Entry owa module http://openmrs/openmrs/owa/orderentry-1.1.0/index.html

the page is redirected back to the home page. No errors in the openmrs.log file whatsoever. I tried to debug the frontend console but the redirect is too fast to capture any front end messages.

Am I missing something useful to debug the issue?

Hi @danieljay, please have a look through this following conversation where this is being resolved thanks. Order entry ui owa issues

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Thank Nathan you for the link. Can you please refer me to where should I add the widget snippet? I cant find my way through it.

@danieljay, you will add the the app definition via the Manage Apps ui accessible from the System Administration ui. Make sure to save the app with the same Id as that of the config.

Nathan, thank you so much for your help. I’m sorry I couldn’t get back to you before. This worked like a charm. I think maybe the wikipage could use this information as it would provide the full configuration. Have a nice week!

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