Strategic Objective 5: Service Providers

This topic will be used to work through the planning of the goals and tasks (including measures) for OpenMRS Community Objective #5: Help organizations successfully implement OpenMRS by cultivating and participating in an ecosystem of effective service providers.

The following leaders have agreed to work actively on this to prepare for presentation at the World Summit in December: @jblaya, @janflowers

All community members are invited to provide input and feedback, and if you’d like to actively participate in editing the objectives goals and tasks, contact @jblaya to be added to the document for editing.

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We will be having are first planning session on Friday 06 Novemeber 11am PT/2pm ET (more timezones here

Meet on

Hi @janflowers, wish I had known about this meeting, as I would have liked to participate. Do you have minutes from the meeting, or is that perhaps where the document above got fleshed out?

I like the direction you’re taking this so far. Good job!


Hi folks! We now have a place to propose sessions for OMRS15 in Singapore, and would like each strategic objective group to present each objective in a short plenary session. Please take a moment to add a session idea for this strategic objective here (using the other sessions as a guide):

Thank you!

Hi @arbaughj - I’m sorry you missed this. Joaquin and I are meeting again today at 8am PT on if you’d like to join us. I’d love to get your input into the document!

Notes from the Service Provider Objective discussion on Friday at the #OMRS15 summit:

if you’re following just this thread, but not Objective 2, please take a look at this post regarding assessment of distributions, which I think is also relevant to assessing service providers.