Openmrs services not starting

Openmrs fails after login The service stops… However when i start the service and open Bahmni EMR it works. but fails if i connect to openmrs directly. does it have to do with my java version running on my machine?

[root@doc ~]# sudo service openmrs status Service openmrs is running with pid: 20314 [root@doc ~]# sudo service openmrs status Service openmrs is not running [root@doc ~]# sudo service openmrs start Starting openmrs [root@doc ~]# sudo service openmrs status Service openmrs is not running [root@doc ~]# sudo service openmrs status Service openmrs is not running [root@doc ~]# sudo service openmrs start Starting openmrs [root@doc ~]# sudo service openmrs status Service openmrs is not running [root@doc ~]# sudo service openmrs start Starting openmrs

This is my openmrs.conf file

[root@doc etc]# cat openmrs.conf export OPENMRS_RUNTIME_PROPERTIES_FILE=/etc/openmrs/ export MODULE_REPO=/home/bahmni/.OpenMRS/modules export SERVER_PORT=8050 export BASE_DIR=/var/run/openmrs export CONTEXT_PATH=openmrs export WAR_DIRECTORY=/var/run/openmrs/openmrs export SERVER_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx1024m" export DEBUG_OPTS=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jre1.8.0_131