OpenMRS not loading on web page until the docker container is restarted.

When trying to access openMRS via the web page, it’s not loading the openMRS platform. But when i restart the docker container, it will then load the openMRS page. Please help. Thanks

Am also having this error message from the docker logs:

ERROR - PortletController.handleRequest(260) |2019-11-21 05:38:06,037| Failed to calculate BMI even though a weight and height were found

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can’t handle units of weight concept: Kg

WARN - ModuleResourcesServlet.getFile(97) |2019-11-21 05:38:19,794| No file with path ‘/root/webapps/openmrs/WEB-INF/view/module/pharmacymanagement/resources/scripts/demo_page.css’ exists for module ‘pharmacymanagement’

@moo can you put the full log here

This following error message was seen inside of Tomcat logs:

ERROR - TaskFactory.createInstance(65) |2019-11-17 21:39:19,399| OpenmrsClassLoader could not load class: org.openmrs.module.usagestatistics.StatsAggregatorTask. Probably due to a module not being loaded

ERROR - TimerSchedulerServiceImpl.scheduleTask(256) |2019-11-17 21:39:19,400| Failed to schedule task Process Usage Statistics Data

ERROR - TimerSchedulerServiceImpl.onStartup(111) |2019-11-17 21:39:19,402| Failed to schedule task for class org.openmrs.module.usagestatistics.StatsAggregatorTask

org.openmrs.scheduler.SchedulerException: Failed to schedule task

ERROR - RegisterReportsTask.onExecute(44) |2019-11-18 09:49:15,138| One of reports has an error which blocks it and other reports to be registered

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to find program using key: PMTCT Combined Clinic - Infant

ERROR - CommonsLoggingOutput.error(75) |2019-11-18 12:20:36,807| Line=117 The content of element type “dwr” must match “(init?,allow?,signatures?)”.

ERROR - CommonsLoggingOutput.error(75) |2019-11-18 12:20:36,864| Parameter mismatch parsing signatures section in dwr.xml on line: DWRHtmlFormEntryService.checkIfLoggedIn()

ERROR - CommonsLoggingOutput.error(75) |2019-11-18 12:20:36,950| Parameter mismatch parsing signatures section in dwr.xml on line: DWREncounterService.findEncounters(String phrase, Integer patientId, boolean includeVoided)

ERROR - CommonsLoggingOutput.error(75) |2019-11-18 12:20:36,951| Parameter mismatch parsing signatures section in dwr.xml on line: DWREncounterService.findBatchOfEncounters(String phrase, boolean includeVoided, Integer start, Integer length)

ERROR - RegisterReportsTask.onExecute(44) |2019-11-20 09:49:15,110| One of reports has an error which blocks it and other reports to be registered

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to find program using key: PMTCT Combined Clinic - Infant

@tendomart please any update on this. thanks