OpenMRS GitHub teams cleaned up. If you lost write access let us know.

OpenMRS Devs,

It has been a while since GitHub upgraded their team management and a while ago since we migrated from “Partial Committers” and “Full Committers” to Dev Stages. We finally cleaned up some of the history in the OpenMRS GitHub orgs team assignments as of 28-Sep 12:00 UTC.

If you had push access to a repo within and lost it, please report your github ID and the repository either here or to the helpdesk.

@burke I has access to openmrs-core. So with the dev stages, is only dev/4 or dev/5 people only can push or merge changes to openmrs-core?

Yes, the idea is that /dev/4 and /dev/5 will handle PRs. (And sometimes someone from a lower dev stage will be temporarily granted push access to openmrs-core, e.g. because they’re a release manager or something like that.)

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