OpenELIS lab result upload should accept accession numbers which are already generated

Currently during lab result upload in OpenELIS, there is a restriction that accession number used in the input CSV should not be already created/used in the system. In one of our implementations, we have a scenario where lab order is placed from EMR for a particular test and sample is collected in ELIS. Since this test is performed by a machine in groups, the hospital waits for 93 samples to be collected to perform this test. Once the test is performed, entering the results for 93 patients manually is a tedious task and error prone. Hence they want to leverage on the bulk result upload feature in ELIS. However, ELIS doesn’t accept these results because the accession number has already been generated by the system during sample collection. Is there a way we can bypass this restriction so that it should accept accession numbers which are already generated but the results are not yet entered.

@angshuonline @shruthipitta @mksd

Hi @shilpab,

Can you also please share a sample format of the upload file you are using?


We are following the csv format required by OpenELIS. However, the accession number that is being used is already generated by the system during sample collection. Instead of entering the result manually in OpenELIS, we want to use the bulk upload feature since the result for 90 patients will have to be entered at once.

Sample Format: Registration No Accession Number Date of Test Sample Source Test Result Test Result 123456 18012017-001 18/01/2017 OPD Agranulocyte Count 10 Haemogramme 12 123457 18012017-002 18/01/2017 OPD Agranulocyte Count 11 Haemogramme 13

This discussion is continued OpenELIS lab result upload should accept accession numbers which are already generated