OPD Takes more time to load

Hi everyone, In my bahmni clinical,Entered visits are showing as OPD and Special OPD.For some patients OPD visits takes more time to open.All the OPD Visits contain entries of 10-14 days.Some times its taking more than 3 hours.If we want to see the entered details in the OPD visits it will be difficult due to this problem. What will be the problem??And how to solve it?? Screen shots are attached.

3 hrs or mins?

Can you help with more context?

  • which version of bahmni are you using?
  • how many records would the patient have during this visit?
  • can you try using chome dev tools and see which of the requests is taking the longest?

@binduak @buvaneswariarun thoughts?

Its taking 3 hrs. We are using Bahmni version 0.89. This OPD visit contains Patient Observations of 14 days.We are only saving datas in observations. Screenshots of chrome dev tool are attached.

I don’t see anything more than 2 mins. can you order them by time (also check timeline)? No browser will keep connections open for 3 hours. The calls maybe sequential, so try to identify which of the calls is taking time. How many display controls do you have on dashboard?

Also, note, 0.89 is quite old. typically we only support last 2 releases. Is it possible for you to upgrade?

As you said every network time is not taking more than two mins.But problem is still that page is not loading.Now patient datas are showing in Forms display control and in that also datas from january 02nd to jan 10 which is in the OPD, is not showing.All the other observations are there.Some of the case sheets also having same issue.Some case sheets are loading after waiting for hours. Also in console of chrome dev tools showing some errors.Screen shots are attached.

502 is bad gateway. and if you see most of the network calls are returning 502 error. In addition, many depenencies are showing as 404 (not found). I would check with network team and/or also check with the server being resolvable in the network properly.