O3: Request for Clinician Peer Review of Medication Order patterns


Dear Clinicians @burke @paul @jteich @jdick @wamz @akhilmalhotra,

We need your help to review this high-risk area of our EMR work: Medication ePrescribing. Could you review these 2 guides below and call out any clinical concerns?

I’m not comfortable being the only clinician implicitly signing off on these requirements & patterns (esp since I’m legally non-practicing). I thought we’d had enough clinical oversight until we found this bug. It seems an appropriate response to (1) have a clinical double-check of our Drug Ordering requirements/designs/patterns, and (2) I will be following up with you all about a regular SOP for a cadence of Clinician Acceptance Testing of O3.

Hi Grace (cc: @cduffy @alinesilveira) – I had a chance to review the Drug Item page this evening; I’ll get to the Drug Ordering Requirements as soon as I can.

The review format is a little bit low-tech – I just copied the whole thing into a Microsoft Word document and added a few tracked changes and several comments. The formatting is different than the original zeroheight web page but I kept cross-checking between that page and this document. Let me know if this format is understandable.

UI Pattern Library Drug Item JT edits-comments 2022-11-16.docx (544.2 KB)