New talk server available for tests!

I’ve been working to migrate talk to a new machine, and it’s now ready for tests!

And it’s now available in:

How to login: After you attempt login, it will try to redirect to; just change the url to be and that will do it.

This instance is configured to not read emails, but it will happily send emails.

Everything else should work as usual.

It works!!! I can login - thanks @cintiadr

Yah, It works as usual :smile: Thanks @cintiadr

Cross posting between the old and new talk - just to create some confusion :wink:

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I get below error @cintiadr

Can you get me a screenshot on the network tab? And the screen and everything.

I can’t find errors on the logs.

Hi @swathivarkala, just change the URL from to in that screen as @cintiadr mentioned above.

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I have tried testing but i get this error

Login Error

Account login timed out, please try logging in again.

@jwnasambu @swathivarkala , As mentioned by @suthagar23 and @cintiadr already, when you get that error, change the url in the same window to … instead of

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Yeah, login is a little bit of a trick, because I didn’t want to create yet another server to test before upgrading talk. But when I make that prd, it won’t be a problem anymore.