New developer React module

I have been using reactJS and redux for more than an year at work place(BNP paribas). I am available to share my knowledge and learn from the team.

I already have openMRS/core installed and running. I will appreciate if someone guides me to the path of joining Reactjs team, I have the react-components clone from git. Regards John


We are glad to have you here. @mseaton, @mogoodrich and @dkayiwa I suppose they could be of help

Welcome @mbugua!

Great to hear that you downloaded openmrs-react-components… there’s a lot of work that could be done in that module, but unfortunately we haven’t had a chance to create many tickets as to what needs to be done, though I’m hoping to do that in the future. How much time do you have to work on the project?

Take care, Mark

Hi @mogoodrich

Thanks for the reply. (1) I don´t have JIRA access. (2)I will need a guideline to inter-connect the modules. I think the openmrs-react-components is used as lib.

I will dedicate eight hours per week.


Thanks @jwnasambu

Is a good platform to learn and also give back to the society.

Hope this link will help concerning jira access

Thanks @jwnasambu.

It was helpful although I didn´t trace any relevant issue.

contact the Help Desk to request access to the wiki for edit/write access. You said you don’t have jira access.