Need info on Billing, Insurance and Appointment Reminders

Hi, I had installed OpenMRS Platform 2.6.14 for playing around with the features. I have some use cases related to Billing, Insurance and Appointment Reminders. I couldn’t locate anything in UI related to Billing / Insurance.

Can somebody throw some light on what and where to look for understanding and playing around with the above features - Insurance, Billing & Appointment Reminders? Will Appointment reminders work if I configure valid phone number when registering a patient?

Kindly get in touch with @odorajonathan, @minimalist or @aojwang .

Thanks for the reply @jwnasambu.

Hi @odorajonathan , @minimalist , @aojwang, Can you please provide the required guidance?

Have you had a chance to look at Odoo ERP and Openmrs billing wiki here, You may also be interested in Ozone.

No @sharif. Will check the links you shared. Thanks.