my omod file is not called by the locally installed sdk

hello everyone am currently working on a ticket PROV-103 i made some changes, commpiled it(mvn clean install) and got the omod file and pasted it i the server directory (C:\Users\toshiba\openmrs\server2\modules) when i ran the sdk to see if my change had an efffect, i kept getting the same error

i tried to test to see if the module omod file i pasted was picked up by the sdk uising system.print statements in bth th moduleActivator and fragmentController as i looked into my logs i relaase once i Navigated to Administration Screen (http://localhost:8080/openmrs/admin/index.htm)and click on providersearch it was giving a warning that my server cnfiguration doesnot exist

OpenMRS is ready for you at http://localhost:8080/openmrs/
Nov 14, 2022 6:11:05 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start
INFO: Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-bio-8080"]
Nov 14, 2022 6:13:22 PM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
INFO: Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'openmrs'
Nov 14, 2022 6:13:42 PM org.apache.jasper.compiler.TldLocationsCache tldScanJar
INFO: At least one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet contained no TLDs. Enable debug logging for this logger for a complete list of JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were found in them. Skipping unneeded JARs during scanning can improve startup time and JSP compilation time.
Nov 14, 2022 6:15:35 PM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
INFO: Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'openmrs_static_content'
INFO - SerializationServiceImpl.getDefaultSerializer(73) |2022-11-14 18:17:03,452| No default serializer specified - using builtin SimpleXStreamSerializer.
WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getDirectoryInApplicationDataDirectory(1155) |2022-11-14 18:17:07,548| 'C:\Users\toshiba\openmrs\server2\configuration' doesn't exist.  Creating directories now.
WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getDirectoryInApplicationDataDirectory(1155) |2022-11-14 18:17:07,548| 'C:\Users\toshiba\openmrs\server2\configuration' doesn't exist.  Creating directories now.

here is the PR i would like to know how to deal with this thank you

am i missing something @dkayiwa @mozzy @gcliff

What exact command are you using to run your locally installed sdk?

i managed to solve it everything works fine thank you

currently working on the ticket