Metadatamapping and MetadataSharing Module Installation Problem on openmrs 2.0.6

I looked at the system Information and try to install the same modules as in openmrs demo.Firstly it run good but when I try to use the openmrs demo.The demo data that is available on openmrs official website.I got the following error on my metadatamapping and metadatasharing modules. Any body help me out what’s wrong I am doing? On the metadatamapping I am getting the following error. Error while trying to start module Unable to update data model using liquibase.xml. Module: Metadata Mapping


Can you paste the server logs at

Daniel I am trying from morning.Everything work perfectly in 2nd attempt,but when I import the openmrs demo data.The metadatamapping stop working with this error. Error while trying to start module Unable to update data model using liquibase.xml. Module: Metadata Mapping

Without Data all modules work fine but when I import the data.Modules stop working.Right now I am doing new installation and will let you with the updated log.

Here is the latest log of metadatamapping module.