Mental Health Clinic Needing Help

Hello everyone,

I am a mental health therapist social worker. I have a small mental health clinic in the northern US and have been searching for help on a mental health clinic configuration and implementation of OpenMr. I do not know a lot about programming or technology. I mean the first cell phone I had was in 1992 and was as big as small suitcase! Can anyone lead me in the direction of where I can get instruction or an example of OpenMrs for a small mental health business? EMR’s are incredibly costly, especially for a small group of social workers. I would love to use OpenMRS.I am so grateful there are so many working on this project to bring electronic medical record applications to so many who can benefit. Thank you



You are welcome to the community @catherine970, Feel free to getting started with users guide to give you an overview of openmrs. On the other hand PIH and Mekom solutions seems to be this having kind of functionality in openmrs-module-mirebalais for mental health facilities, cc @dkayiwa @mseaton @mksd @ssmusoke could have more overview

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@sharif, Thank You for the information.