Make sure we update REST resources in Platform 2.0 release

@maany, I had a thought while looking through some of the Platform 2.0 tickets:

  1. Do we have tickets about ensuring that all new features are exposed in the REST Web Services module?
  2. Are you aware that as Platform 2.0 Release Manager you need to make this happen?
  3. Do our Release Process wiki pages say anything about this?

E.g. there’s a ticket about a UI for drug ingredients. But peeking at the REST Web Services code, I see we are not handling drug ingredients there yet. This should be ticketed, but generally, anything new in the Java API needs to be exposed in the REST API, and if we missed this, we may have missed other things in OpenMRS Platform 1.11.

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Hi @darius

Thanks for going through the tickets and for bringing this up. I understand that we need to expose new features via the REST Web Services module as that should be the only way to communicate with the API after retiring LegacyUI.

The Wiki Page does mention this :

  • OpenMRS Platform includes core (required) modules and the REST Web Services module
  • Before an alpha release, all New Feature tickets should either be Closed or at least in a Post Commit state. The same goes for Blocker tickets.

There are 17 New Feature tickets in the REST-WS JIRA Project and total 33 which meet the above criteria. I will get them on my radar

This can as well act as a starting plan to identify such resources that will not be worked on before December for openmrs-core and modules to have them worked on during the #omrs15-hackathon :smile:

I hope to soon visit REST tickets to tag some to our next hackathon

That sounds great @k_joseph. What tag are we using for the hackathon?

not yet created, but you can use ‘omrs15-hackathon’

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@maany I’m just remembering that you mentioned this yesterday. Can you fix the release process documentation to say that the comment about not having open New Features applies to the next version (about to be released) and not to all tickets in the module?

Do we have a use case for adding or removing or even editing a Drug Ingredient currently! i see no way of retrieving one from the current openmrs api

@k_joseph thanks for bringing this up. Could you create a new ticket for this :slight_smile: