Looking for a mentor


I’m new to this project, and looking for a mentor who could help me get started here as a developer. I have hands on experience as a core JAVA developer here in my internship. I can quickly learn frameworks, if required to. Looking forward to get started!

Regards, Arjun M

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Hi @arjunmane, welcome to the community! :slight_smile:

We have lots of people here who can mentor you. Did you get a chance to look at this? https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Getting+Started+as+a+Developer


Thanks!:slight_smile: Yes…Going through it.

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I have gone through the documents. Sorry for the late reply. I had to give my Laptop for a complete rebuild. Today I cloned the openmrs-core and tried to run locally but couldn’t get it running. I am new to maven and Spring as well. Guide me through on what I should start learning to get started! Or if there is any work i can take up that just involves Java. Thanks!

There is a plethora of online resources on spring, hibernate and pretty much all the libraries that are used, a google search for tutorials should get you some good links

You may follow https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Getting+Started+as+a+Developer. Best thing to learn is to take up a issue and follow it up :). Get back to us if you need further clarifications. :slight_smile:

Yes i’m already learning Spring. Will look into the active issues initially until i understand the system. Sure. Thanks:)