Left overs 'chrome driver' process in build agents and change in builds logs retention policy

While I was upgrading Bamboo, I’ve discovered two issues:

  • We are keeping logs of all builds forever. By now we have so many logs that it’s impractical to do backups of the Bamboo directory. I’m changing it to 7 days, just like we do for build artifacts. The build result (if it was green or red) will be kept forever. Let me know if there’s any plan that needs more time than that for logs.

  • The build agents have heaps of chrome/chromium processes left from reference distro UI tests job. I’ve configured predator plugin to kill any process that match the regex “(chrome|chromium)” before any build starts, but we should consider adding a final task to clean those processes.

https://ci.openmrs.org/admin/buildExpiry!read.action in case you want to see what exactly we can configure for that.

I do expect the first run to take a lot of time, but subsequent runs should be alright.