Latest obs for concept list widget returns incorrect values for boolean obs


Using OpenMRS version 2.3.2 with the refapp 2.11.0, we encounter problem with a boolean concept. In our medical history form, we ask if women are pregnant using the following HTML code:

HTM form
                   <div class='form-label'>
                      Are you currently pregnant?
                   <div class='form-answer'>
                      <obs conceptId="1434" style="yes_no"/>

Then on the patient dashboard, the results are displayed using the latestobsforconceptlist widget as follow:

App definition
  "id": "TDC.medicalhistory",
  "description": "",
  "order": 1,
  "config": {
    "widget": "latestobsforconceptlist",
    "icon": " icon-plus-sign-alt",
    "label": "Medical history",
    "nLatestObs":  "10",
    "obsGroupLabels": "shortName",
    "conceptNameType": "shortName",
"detailsUrl": "htmlformentryui/htmlform/{{patient.uuid}}&formUuid=7da3f6f6-df89-4790-bd01-2bafcf693a14&returnUrl=/coreapps/clinicianfacing/{{patient.uuid}}"
  "extensions": [
      "id": "org.openmrs.module.coreapps.mostRecentVitals.clinicianDashboardFirstColumn",
      "appId": "TDC.medicalhistory",
      "extensionPointId": "patientDashboard.secondColumnFragments",
      "extensionParams": {
        "provider": "coreapps",
        "fragment": "dashboardwidgets/dashboardWidget"

The problem is that instead of displaying the boolean values, the widget displays the concept with either the concept ID 1 or 2:

Screenshot from 2021-09-06 12-09-56 Screenshot from 2021-09-06 12-08-47

Here is the API request send by the widget:

API request`

and the reponse:

	"results": [
			"obsDatetime": "2021-09-01T09:17:05.000+0000",
			"concept": {
				"display": "Past medical history added",
				"datatype": {
					"uuid": "8d4a48b6-c2cc-11de-8d13-0010c6dffd0f"
				"names": [
						"name": "ISTWA MEDIKAL an plis",
						"locale": "ht",
						"localePreferred": true,
						"voided": false,
						"conceptNameType": "FULLY_SPECIFIED"
						"name": "Problems",
						"locale": "en",
						"localePreferred": false,
						"voided": false,
						"conceptNameType": "SHORT"
						"name": "Past medical history added",
						"locale": "en",
						"localePreferred": true,
						"voided": false,
						"conceptNameType": "FULLY_SPECIFIED"
						"name": "Historique médicale ajoutée",
						"locale": "fr",
						"localePreferred": true,
						"voided": false,
						"conceptNameType": "FULLY_SPECIFIED"
			"value": {
				"display": "No significant past medical history",
				"names": [
						"name": "Aucun antécédent médical significatif",
						"locale": "fr",
						"localePreferred": true,
						"voided": false,
						"conceptNameType": "FULLY_SPECIFIED"
						"name": "None",
						"locale": "en",
						"localePreferred": false,
						"voided": false,
						"conceptNameType": "SHORT"
						"name": "No significant past medical history",
						"locale": "en",
						"localePreferred": true,
						"voided": false,
						"conceptNameType": "FULLY_SPECIFIED"
						"name": "Pa gen istwa medikal enpòtan",
						"locale": "ht",
						"localePreferred": true,
						"voided": false,
						"conceptNameType": "FULLY_SPECIFIED"
			"groupMembers": null
			"obsDatetime": "2021-09-01T00:00:00.000+0000",
			"concept": {
				"display": "Currently pregnant",
				"datatype": {
					"uuid": "8d4a5cca-c2cc-11de-8d13-0010c6dffd0f"
				"names": [
						"name": "Currently pregnant",
						"locale": "en",
						"localePreferred": false,
						"voided": false,
						"conceptNameType": "SHORT"
						"name": "Ujauzito wa sasa",
						"locale": "sw",
						"localePreferred": true,
						"voided": false,
						"conceptNameType": "FULLY_SPECIFIED"
						"name": "Fanm ensent",
						"locale": "ht",
						"localePreferred": true,
						"voided": false,
						"conceptNameType": "FULLY_SPECIFIED"
						"name": "Currently pregnant",
						"locale": "en",
						"localePreferred": true,
						"voided": false,
						"conceptNameType": "FULLY_SPECIFIED"
						"name": "Femme enceinte",
						"locale": "fr",
						"localePreferred": true,
						"voided": false,
						"conceptNameType": "FULLY_SPECIFIED"
			"value": {
				"display": "Anemia due to blood loss",
				"names": [
						"name": "Anemia, blood loss",
						"locale": "en",
						"localePreferred": false,
						"voided": false,
						"conceptNameType": null
						"name": "Anemia por pérdida de sangre",
						"locale": "es",
						"localePreferred": true,
						"voided": false,
						"conceptNameType": "FULLY_SPECIFIED"
						"name": "Anémie secondaire à une hémorragie",
						"locale": "fr",
						"localePreferred": true,
						"voided": false,
						"conceptNameType": "FULLY_SPECIFIED"
						"name": "خون کی کمی، خون بہنے کی وجہ سے",
						"locale": "ur",
						"localePreferred": true,
						"voided": false,
						"conceptNameType": "FULLY_SPECIFIED"
						"name": "Anemia due to blood loss",
						"locale": "en",
						"localePreferred": true,
						"voided": false,
						"conceptNameType": "FULLY_SPECIFIED"
			"groupMembers": null

Are we doing something incorrect or is it a bug in the widget code?

Thank you for your help!

1 Like

cc @dimitar

Can you also share a screenshot of what this concept looks like in the dictionary? Something along these lines: WHO Medical Certification of Cause of Death - #17 by akanter

Yes, here is it:

Screenshot from 2021-09-09 15-13-38

Thanks for helping!

This looks like a bug.

OK thanks for the confirmation.

I have created a bug report here :[RA-1956] latestobsforconceptlist widget returns incorrect values for boolean obs - OpenMRS Issues