Kickstarting Integration of Twitter Bootstrap for Ref App UI for 2.6

I did. There are a lot of quirks working with this and I’ll try explaining what the problem is…

There is a lot of cross module referencing. Parts of the page are written in coreapps module, that references parts from the appui module. I spent some time looking here and there. I didn’t want to mess with the existing CSS and injecting divs with Bootstrap classes into Groovy Scripted pages wasn’t working out very well.

I ended up downloading a statically generated page as an HTML file and figured I could try integrating Bootstrap in there, just for a Demo. As soon as I added the Bootstrap dependencies from the CDN, a bunch of (bad) things happened

  1. The Navbar broke down and stopped resizing. This issue cannot be resolved withot modding existing CSS

  2. The text wrapped with Bootstrap classes automatically became a lot smaller. Again, possible CSS confilcts.

  3. The statically generated pages have a LOT of missing tags and. This means that somewhere in our GSPs, we haven’t closed tags right. This made the new divs malfunction and introducing the bootstrap column grids weren’t quite functioning right.

Image: The navbar won’t extend, the extremely small text is a result of adding the Bootstrap CSS file.

It just didn’t feel right. It felt like introducing something that was not needed and had no space/requirements for. There’s too much overhead and getting the existing CSS to play with this. I didn’t incorporate any Bootstrap except for responsive tags but everything broke loose as soon as I introduced the Bootstrap CSS file itself.

I feel that someone(current volunteers/GSoC 17 aspirants) can take the REST API and build a dashboard as POC utilizing Bootstrap for views and simple Ajax calls.

Again, as for the original proposition of integrating it into the current module, I wouldn’t do it, primarily due to too many styling conflicts.