Jira and confluence Scheduled outage

Hello Everyone,

We are doing an outage on confluence and jira on october 1st Starting around 9 AM. We are going to test our backup strategy and make sure we get some good backups :slight_smile: This will help with fixing the current issues we are experiencing and to test other things to make the applications better. We are not sure how long this process will take so I put in the schedule an all day event but, I don’ think it be that long. During this time jira and confluence will not be accessible by anyone and will not be able to use any of the tools at all. That way we can make sure we get everything in the backup and not miss anything. If anyone has any issues please respond here.

Status Page https://app.status.io/pages/534decd528328a247100004b


What time zone is that in @chagara?

sorry for the mistake is eastern time.

@pascal Can we also pin this to the top or highlight the outage in some other way that all the developers see it?

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Click this link to convert the event time to your timezone(the clock on the right shows the event time in your timezone) :smile:

This outage is in effect. Please ignore the errors in jira and confluence. I will post again when I’m done.

this has been completed :slight_smile:

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Thanks @chagara for working over the weekend on this!
