is there a guide on how to configure mUzima app on android?

I just found out there’s an app called mUzima that can be hooked to openmrs. when I start it though it asks me to download cohorts from the list (which is empty).

I’m wondering if there’s a wikipage or a guide on how to configure it.


@ayeung do you wanna help regarding this? :smile:

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Yes, you can check out, @hossam and @dkayiwa.

You can use our test server (admin/test to log in).

If you want to set it up in your local instance, you can download related modules from dropbox.

I have @mssavai and @sthaiya copied here. In case you have any technical questions, feel free to ping them. Thanks!

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@hossam, you need to use cohort builder to set up cohorts on the server side. Once the cohorts are created on the server side, you can sync for the updated cohort list on your mobile device and then decide which cohort(s) to download to your local repo on mobile device.

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@hossam you can also find us on IRC on channel #muzima.

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Thank you! :))

Do mUzima support the use of finger print bio metrics? where can one find such documentation? And when you change across servers, seems like you need to reinstall the app to allow new configurations, is there a way to reset without removing it first