Instructions for a Bahmni dev environment, targeted at OpenMRS devs

Hi Pascal, We need bahmnicore module for all the apps (starting with logging into the app). I have tried to lay down the dependency graph of OMODs used in Bahmni.

BahmniEMR Core OMOD
	EMRAPI - org.openmrs.module.emrapi
		Rest Web Services - 
		App Framework Module - org.openmrs.module.appframework 
		Event Module - org.openmrs.event
		Provider Management Module - org.openmrs.module.providermanagement 
			- OpenMRS UI Framework - org.openmrs.module.uiframework 1.8.1
			- UI Library Module - org.openmrs.module.uilibrary 1.5
		Metadata Sharing - org.openmrs.module.metadatasharing 
			- Metadata Mapping - org.openmrs.module.metadatamapping 1.0.1
		Reporting - org.openmrs.module.reporting ${reportingModuleVersion}
			- HTML Widgets - org.openmrs.module.htmlwidgets 1.6.4
			- Calculation - org.openmrs.calculation 1.1
			- Serialization Xstream - org.openmrs.module.serialization.xstream 0.2.7
Address Hierarchy - org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy
ID Generation - org.openmrs.module.idgen
ID Generation Web Services
Reference Data - org.bahmni.module.reference-data
	- AtomFeed Module - org.ict4h.openmrs.openmrs-atomfeed 2.2
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