Installation wizard reaches 100% but never completes

Application Name: openmrs-core Version Number: 2.1.0-ee2b39

Question: Issue occurs on latest versions of both Ubuntu and Linux Mint, Java 8. When following the steps outlined in the developer setup guide I get as far as all the progress bars during the web based installation wizard reading 100% but then it just sits there. If I look at the output in the terminal session it’s complaining that it can’t find If I refresh the browser window it says OpenMRS platform is running but the version number placeholders haven’t be replaced e.g. OpenMRS Platform ${project.version}.${revisionNumber} Running! Could anybody explain what I’m likely doing wrong? I’m assuming this is not expected behaviour. Last few lines of the jetty terminal output listed below. Thanks in advance!

INFO - HibernateContextDAO.updateSearchIndex(485) |2016-02-17 21:58:28,046| Finished updating the search index
WARN - ModuleUtil.getModuleRepository(462) |2016-02-17 21:58:28,061| Module repository /root/.OpenMRS/modules doesn't exist.  Creating directories now.
WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2109) |2016-02-17 21:58:28,080| Unable to find a runtime properties file at /home/ash/openmrs-core/webapp/

@ashleyevans that is not an issue. When installation wizard reaches 100% and remains still, try refreshing or opening ‘localhost:8080/openmrs’ from another browser like chrome. You get OpenMRS Platform ${project.version}.${revisionNumber} Running! because you are running from jetty, if you were running from tomcat, you would get the right output. Take a look at this discussion to know why you get that funny output when running with jetty 99e6f48#commitcomment-14768438 . What you need to do now is to install a user interface module as described by one of the links you see, depending on what user interface you want.

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Excellent, that makes sense, thanks for your assistance :slightly_smiling: