Incompatible JavaHL library loaded. Subversion 1.7.x required.

Installed OpenMRS SDK, In eclipse I got this error,

The JAR file …m2/repository/org/openmrs/api/openmrs-api/1.11.6/openmrs-api-1.11.6.jar has no source attachment.

Is there any reason why you are not using the latest release of the platform?

No sir, we installed openmrs-sdk, while creating a new module we selected reference application module not platform module.

Can you share a screenshot of the SDK prompts and the answers you entered?

I dont have the screenshot of the sdk prompts. Is there any other way to share the information?

You can just run the SDK again, to capture them.

When I run the project I am gettting this error.

I didn’t get AppFrameworkService in mvnrepository. Please help me to get this repository.

Are you trying to create a cancermodule?

Yes sir. Here We have add 10 clinical reports. After start visiting a patient, in visit note I have to add one more button that is Clinical Tests. How to add this.

Can you put it on github such that we take a look and advise accordingly?

Sir here is the link.

Did you get a chance to look at this?

org.openmrs.module:uiframework-api:jar:1.11.6: Could not transfer artifact

I didnt find these repository in Please help me to fix this error.