I want to contribute in Testing OpenMRS

Hi, I want to contribute to OpenMRS Testing by writing unit test cases. I am a graduate student , as part of my software testing and quality assurance course project I wanted to work on this. I have setup the source code in my pc. I will be thankful if someone can guide me on which modules I can work to build test cases.

Thank You, Tarun Reddy

Hi, @fowler45 See https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/QA+Testing+Manual, and feel free to create some test cases of your own or execute the existing ones. You can also contribute to automatic testing: https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/UITestFramework Unfortunately I cannot guide you as I’m involved in too much Non-OpenMRS projects right now, but perhaps @raff could help you. Best Regards, Tomasz

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