HtmlFormEntry Build Failure/Reboot CI

The Html Form Entry build is failing and I’m seeing a PermGen error. I’ve noticed this before at times with Html Form Entry, but it did pass on the PIH CI server.

Any chance we can reboot CI and see if this clears out enough resources for things to pass?


Please create a help desk case to assist with this. :smile:



Restarting the Bamboo server won’t have any effect, because the test themselves run on build agents (you can see on each result, it will be one of these four processes running in two machines:!default.action)

Also, restart them will be unlikely to solve anything. It’s your maven process which is running out of memory, not really the bamboo agent client.

So, I’d recommend you to add a MAVEN_OPTS in environments to your task:

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Good point, Cintia. Thanks for the reminder… I will compare our Environmental settings on the PIH bamboo to the OpenMRS one and see if that helps.

Duh, thanks again Cintia… all I needs to do was set MAVEN_OPTS="-XX:MaxPermSize=256m" like I had set in the PIH bamboo.