How to view log of users?


I found the log of LOGGED IN users but how can I look in Bahmni / OpenMRS which users has been logged in and when (date and time, maybe lenght and functions used)?


Hi @generare, please check at OpenMRS->Administration->Under Maintenance, View Logged In Users or use link like

Yes, indeed I found the log of CURRENT logged in users but how do I see the history of users, what they have looked etc? There are hospital rules that you need to be able to tell who has looked which patient info, invoicing or medicine prescriptions. To know the current online users are not helping for this.

As far as I know, Bahmni & OpenMRS both don’t have this level of audit reporting – to indicate who accessed which patient record. This will likely be developed in Bahmni as part of Security/Compliance feature in the Roadmap of 2017.

We’ve been using the Usage Statistics Module for collecting high-level statistics about usage of patient records by users in OpenMRS. It allows to view usage statistics based on location, user roles, date ranges, days of the week, and hours of the day. You can give it a try and see if it works for you.

Hi @rubailly, can you give more info about the Usage Statistics Module – maybe attach some screenshots to show how its been useful to you? Have you found any issues with regards to “too much data” being logged, causing DB / File size/ out-of-memory issues, etc?

hi @gsluthra, the main purpose of the module is to allow for the monitoring of user accounts to make sure users are accessing appropriate information.

The module allows you to access data in two ways:

1. It creates a tab on the patient dashboard (
in the legacy UI) so that you can view who has been accessing and editing a particular patient.

The module also shows details about what action was performed on the patient and how the user arrived at the patient dashboard. The ‘how’ the patient arrived at the patient dashboard is an important feature for some implementations, as data entry clerk are sometimes trained to always search for patients via the ID and not the name (as searching by name can lead to the incorrect person being found and data entered against the wrong individual).

2. You can also view summary data and search based on time, locations, roles, users, searches and usages from the ‘Usage Statistics’ link from the Administration page.


Time and Day



The module provide configurations through global property settings and you can modify them depending on the requirements for a particular implementation.

The “usagestatistics.autoDeleteDays” global property allows to set the number of days after which events should be automatically deleted and this task will ready that value and delete the data accordingly.

Hope this helps


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I just wanted to add that we are considering adding some form of auditing to Bahmni. You can track the status here:

Thanks @rubailly this is helpful. Seems to me that the use case is to analyse how people are using the system. I think from an audit log perspective the system needs to log the various events occurring in the system like - viewing x patient’s drug prescription, or x person’s test results, etc
 which can help audit if someone accessed a patient record that they should not have.

We are researching options, including the openmrs audit log module as mentioned in the above trello card.

Yes, I think the auditing is very important. Many countries have also rules that the administration needs to know if needed, e.g. criminal cases, who has accesses which patient information and if she/he had rights for that. So, we can’t know that if we are not tracking this.