How to pass htmlform data to the fragment controller

Hi Daniel, I just recreated the form with the same datatype as in and pass the new patient and it worked fine. I am not sure the exact cause of the error that i was seeing earlier. I didn’t change anything on the form. Thank you very much for your help.

I got a similar error below, on the Capture Vitals Form when using a mix of some Reference Application 2.5 and Reference Application 2.4 modules.

Caused by: org.openmrs.module.htmlformentry.BadFormDesignException: Please check the design of your form to make sure it has all three tags: <encounterDate/&gt</b

;, <encounterLocation/&gt;, and <encounterProvider/>

Solution was to upgrade the htmlformentry module from version 2.6 to version 3.3.1.