How much can I get out of OpenMRS Standalone

Application Name: Reference Application Version Number: 2.1.4 Build 2cb839

Question: Hello everyone. I am managing a small scale outpatient program (maximum of 10 physicians) for low income groups in a semi-urban city in Nigeria and I want to implement OpenMRS for each User (Physician). After a bit of research, I find that OpenMRS Standalone may be the best fit, as I have limited development knowledge for the Enterprise version… I was able to install and carry out basic data entry functions. I am however now facing a few problems. Is it possible to create new forms; eg laboratory form, drug order, a physical examination form that can be assessed from the patient dashboard? Also, is it possible to access each of these provider-operated systems remotely?

With the standalone, you can do all the functionalities like in an enterpise installtion . OpenMRS Standalone should run fine for smaller installations (fewer than 10,000 patient records). It would really work fine for a small-scale production environment.

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