Help with Bacteriology setup

I’m lost trying to make the Bacteriology module configuration. I have tryed to follow the wiki instructions, but when reached the part of “b) Add the forms for capturing the test results for bacteriology. To do that follow the same steps as those used to create a new observation form.” i get lost. Can someone share the form and fields needed for a generic bacteriology order? Is there any other configuration needed in openElis to make it work? Regards, German

Hi @german2209, The bacteriology orders can be made through OpenMRS/Bahmni UI. You do not need to configure OpenELIS and it will not be used.

Generally forms in Bahmni are configured through the concept sets of OpenMRS. You can refer to this page to create new forms. Look at the section “Configure New/Existing Observation Forms”.

The Bacteriology Forms can be configured through the convention we defined in Bahmni. You can search for a concept called “Bacteriology Concept Set” in OpenMRS. Look for a child called “Bacteriology Results” concept set under it. Lets say if you want to capture “DST Results”. You can create a child concept of Bacteriology Results and depending on the datatype of the concept, the respective UI element appears on the screen as mentioned in the wiki page.

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Hi @german2209,

As mentioned by @bharatak, we need to create a form where “Bacteriology Results” concept set acts as root concept of the form. Sample CSV files for the same have been provided at (refer point 2(b) in this page).

Regards, Mahesh Kumar