guidance on configuring the travis.yml file

hello; i have a travis ci issue and i recived an email yesterday from travis ci Customer Support Engineer saying " oraclejdk7 is unfortunately no longer available in Trusty after our latest updates, since we can no longer support it on our recent build images due to Oracle’s withdrawal. If this is an option for you, I’d recommend switching to jdk: openjdk7 , which is available in the new Trusty images" Am requesting for guidance on how to go about this… @k.joseph @dkayiwa @darius @suthagar23

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were you trying to make a pr?

yes i made a pr

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kindly post the travis error logs here

The command “~/bin/ --target “/home/travis/oraclejdk7” --workspace “/home/travis/.cache/install-jdk” --feature “7” --license “BCL”” failed and exited with 3 during .

put the entire log on pastebin and put the link here

@gcliff , does this google query url help? You may refine it to suit the need to switch to the available JDK image.

thanks man