Limitations of Migrating from OpenMRS ID to a new SSO System

Hi all, hope all is well where you are. Also, thanks for the heads up @cintiadr.

@cintiadr you are correct, Atlassian access requires that we first Verify a Domain. Once we have a domain verified we can then configure an external User Directory for user provisioning (SCIM).

Once this is done we can then automatically provision users from within and outside of this verified domain. However, there are a few caveats:

  1. These accounts (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail) will not be considered a “Managed Account” and user attributes will not sync.
  2. SAML SSO log enforcement would also NOT be possible as these users are not “Managed Accounts”
  3. We will also not be able to make ANY changes to these accounts once synced

One of my suggestions to achieve our goals would be to use atlassian’s built-in “Invite User” function in the portal:

When you add a user to your Users list, you’re inviting a user with that specific email address to your site. If the user with that email address has an Atlassian account, they’ll now be able to log in to your site. If the user doesn’t have an account, we’ll walk them through the Atlassian account signup process. Although they’re logged in to your site, their account exists outside your site so that they can use that same account to log in to other sites. see this here

Users will be sent an email invite to your site where they can then create an Atlassian Account if they do not have one yet.

With this approach, we can be sure Users can absolutely create an account themselves. They would just need to navigate to and complete the account creation process.

You can create an Atlassian account yourself. Just go to and complete the process. We’ll email you asking that you verify your email address. see this here

@cintiadr @grace @burke @dkayiwa @kdaud @jennifer @ibacher let me know whether this makes sense to our community

Sincere regards
