GSoC 2020 : Upgrade Platform Core Libraries Project

Thanks @ibacher for looking into this ,

@achilep most times a BeanCreationException in Tests is caused by missing dependence on the class path at test run time and a carefull follow up of the error gives a crue which dependence is likely to be missing.

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thanks, @ibacher @mozzy i use this 2:


and is working without a problem , please is there a more precise way to test this 2 change.

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does it still fail without this dependence ??

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@achilep can you first resolve these merge conflicts ??

Its because your other PRs on the same pom.xml file were merged. So first pull all those merged commits into this PR.

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its no longer failing. i’m just asking if there is a more precise way to test it, apart from the standalone reference application that i use for testing. thanks @mozzy

i was asking that doest it fail when you remove that other dependence ??

What do you mean by precise ?? you mean simpler ??

There other ways you can run the reff app ie

  • running a docker container
  • sdk
  • enterpise installtion

but it seems to me the standalone is the lightest and easiest way you can test your changes in the core


thanks @mozzy

Lighter or easier than simply running mvn jetty:run or mvn tomcat7:run from the webapp folder?


thank you @mozzy , i have resolved the merge conflict?

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thanks @dkayiwa

@dkayiwa true , Thats seems to be the simplest , but a standalone seems to be the most lightest ,when it comes to processing

please can you have links which explains how contributes on the documentation. thanks

hello @mozzy @ibacher @sharif please I need help to fix the problem on this PR:

Indeed I want to update ca.uhn.hapi to version 2.3. but this version no longer supports MessageTypeRouter. and suddenly I try to replace it by ApplicationRouter without succeeding.

hello @ibacher @teleivo thanks for the resources, its a lot of help, but i’m still stuck at the conversion of BaseContextSensitiveTest and these subclasses. here is an example of what I tried to do but it doesn’t work:

BaseContextSensitiveTest in junit5 .BaseContextSensitiveTest -

AllergenTest in junit5 : AllergenTest -

BaseOpenmrsObjectTest in junit 5 : BaseOpenmrsObjectTest -

I don’t know what I failed to do correctly. thank you

@achilep I commented on github :smile: Its enough if you post here or on github I am watching both :slight_smile:


Thanks @teleivo I will make good use of it.

hello @ibacher @mozzy @dkayiwa @teleivo please can you help me evaluate this ticket, i changed my approach for migrate from junit 4 to junit 5 thanks

this one too :

as we agree to support junit 4 until version 2.5 or 2.5 we can leave the seventh sub-task @ibacher @dkayiwa @mozzy @burke

We can also make them ready for work unless otherwise

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