GSoC 2019 - Patient Flags OWA - Sprint #4

Hi @maimoonak and @judeniroshan,

Today we begin Sprint #4!

Sprint Duration: 1 Week


  1. Refactoring for code optimizations
  2. UI Enchancements — Integrating openmrs-react-components, openmrs Styleguide and Bootstrap

Scrum Board - Sprint #4.

Previous Sprint Completion Blog


Hi @maimoonak @judeniroshan,

Since it’s already the middle of Sprint#4, I think I’ll post a joint update of Sprint #3 and Sprint #4 till now here itself.

The following the work that’ll be presented in Evaluation Phase 2 to OpenMRS as a part of the video presentation :slight_smile:

Work Done Till Now ( Sprint #3 + 50% Sprint #4) -

  1. We are now using redux for state management and successfully reducing our number of API calls by inspecting past state and previous calls.
  2. Flags component is complete.
  3. We’ve integrated openmrs-react-components (finally :stuck_out_tongue:).
  4. We’ve also introduced a version of the Reference Application’s stylesheet for all our css styling as per guidelines.

More Details Can be found in the blog post.


List of Pending Work:

I think we’ve actually completed the scope of sprint #4 before the sprint deadline (?) So we can onboard further tickets.

Here is brief overview of ALL the work we’ve for the next month:

  1. Building the remaining 2 components.
  2. Refactoring code.
  3. Alert generator & global error handling mechanism.
  4. Spinners when loading data into tables.
  5. Figuring out routes & passing user and localization data.
  6. Any pending & doable extra marks tasks.
  7. Testing
  8. Documentation.

GitHub Repository (Latest Build)

I shall also update the JIRA boards (I’m finally able to login again :stuck_out_tongue:)

I hope I’m doing good and hoping for a great sprint ahead! :slight_smile:


Nice work! @rakshir :grinning:

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