GSoC 2015 has been announced!

:triangular_flag_on_post: Today, Google have announced Google Summer of Code 2015! :triangular_flag_on_post:


Stay tuned in the coming months for information about participation by OpenMRS. Our biggest tip to potential GSoC applicants is to get involved early. (In other words, now!) If you have questions about getting involved with OpenMRS, let us know here on OpenMRS Talk.


Sorry, I couldn’t resist :smile:


Well I’ll be willing to work on OpenMRS this year. As an African i believe is my responsibility to code to improve my fellow countrymen.

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Thanks @ch3ck! Both OpenMRS and Google have been trying for the last many years to get more and more students from around Africa to participate in GSoC.

If anyone wants to coordinate a GSoC meet-up at their university between now and early 2015, please contact me for details. I also believe that @ch3ck has helped to organize events too, so can provide some advice.

Hi @michael, am planning to conduct one at our university though it seems as though the nearest GSoCoders near us are located outside our country, do i need to privately contact you to get the detail?

Thanks @michael I"m currently at the GSoC Meetup at the University of Bamenda, at Bambili encouraging more students to get involved.

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@k_joseph a Hangout will be great too to have other GSoCers outside involved. Check [GSokites][1] out [1]: “This out”