First installation error..!

Hi there!

I am trying to make my first use of openmrs, to implement on a database of patients that I do regular follow-up.

I have only very basic informatic skills so I thank you in advance for your understanding.

I’m trying to install on my windows laptop (Windows 10 pro) and downloaded the Reference Application - 2.12 - Standalone Edition.

When I oppened the .jar file after extraction, a new window opened up saying openmrs 2.12.2 Standalone [Running Tomcat Port 8081 MySQL Port 3316] and a new browser tab in chrome opened up:

First it said database updates were needed, I pressed the green arrow at the bottom and this list I sent just stuck there, for almost 1 hour now…

What can I do? I have a fast Internet connection so I think the update is stuck?

Any help is much appreciated!

Yours sincerely


Delete the extracted folder. Then extract again. On the first screen that shows up, choose the one that has a Demo data option.

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Thank you for the information. I guess I was trying to install the first version on the download webpage, the 2.12.

Now I tried the 2.5 standalone version and I am following the instruction page you have sent me but when I get to the “How to connect to the MySQL database”, when I try to insert the password I retrieved from the “” file (actually it’s called openmrs-standalone-runtime, right?) I get this error:

Thank you so much for any help :pray:


2.5 is a very old version.

But where can I download a newer one?

Those two (2.12 and 2.5) are the only ones that figure on the download page.

May I get a newer version somewhere else?

Thanks you so much


Use the 2.12 version.