Fetching complex obs's data via Angular/REST?

@darius or anyone who used handlers, would you care to explain what is the reasoning behind having different handlers in openmrs-api? Why do we need them? I don’t quite understand the concept behind them…

Here’s the only place where I found the usage of ImageHandler:

As it occurs to me in this example the only purpose of the handler is to indicate that it is an image. The methods implemented by the handler doesn’t seem to be used at all…

Anyway, I think I know how to handle it now and can do a first stub at implementing it. I don’t see a need to change openmrs-api at the moment to address the issue.

I think posting a file as multipart/form-data is easier at least from the javascript browser client. We can put json for obs metadata in the same request as multipart/form-data in the “obs” field to make the operation atomic.

Adding support for base64 json-encoded binary data should be easy as well, though it should be used for smaller files only as it increases bandwidth usage by ~30%.

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