Failed to print the multi-row dataset in XReports

Can we over ride the UIID at end of the renderer? I would suggest to have a unique static renderer path without any random UUID.

Or can I set the default renderer as XReport renderer? It will also help me.

Since the end user does not see the uuid, could you explain a bit why you would want to override it?

I have created report templates for each encounter. then i have customized the coreapp module to add the print button for each encounter i have report template like following,

Then when a user click on print button, i create a hidden form and submit it to get the report in XReport renderer. but if this renderer have dynamic UUID then I won’t have access to that UUID in my js file while creating hidden form.

Therefore, if each renderer has a static specific path then i will only send that path as parameter.

Wouldn’t the numeric reportId work?

Here was the parameters i was sending in previous version of XReport and I get report in XReport renderer.

POST Paramenters

userEnteredParams[patientId] = 7
userEnteredParams[encounterId] = 3
selectedRenderer = org.openmrs.module.reporting.web.renderers.DefaultWebRenderer
reportId = 6bc489c6-c1ad-4c89-acb2-fde40edcfe66

GET Parameters

formId = 3
reportId = 6bc489c6-c1ad-4c89-acb2-fde40edcfe66

I was sending above parameters to /openmrs/module/xreports/fillParameter.form URL

Oh! I got it. You are taking this UUID form reporting_report_design table. it will remain static for each report. I thought it is dynamically generated somewhere.

@dkayiwa: I tried to add XReport renderer to a report on latest version of tomcat but it fails again although it was fixed by @mseaton in REPORT-800 task.

I am using xreports-1.10.1-SNAPSHOT and the URL I get is here which has again a PIPE character, http://localhost:9999/openmrs/module/reporting/reports/renderers/defaultReportDesignEditor.htm?parameters=type=org.openmrs.module.xreports.web.XReportRenderer|reportDefinitionUuid=ea9d2324-55ac-4076-a39b-0c8e38628270|returnUrl=/openmrs/module/reporting/reports/reportEditor.form?uuid=ea9d2324-55ac-4076-a39b-0c8e38628270

Are you able to reproduce it at

In we don’t have the latest version of XReport. XReport renderer is added in xreports-1.10.1-SNAPSHOT

I have just updated it. Can you try again?

Now it works fine. Could you please share the .omod file.

Hi, has anyone tested Xreports Module in Openmrs Version 2.5.7 ? If not, is there any other alternative. Our usecase is to generate Patient Discharge Summary Notes as PDFs. Thanks

If i were you, i would just go ahead and try it out to see what happens. :slight_smile: