Error while entering results in OpenELIS

Hello all,

Currently to create a user in OpenELIS, we have the following character limits:

  • Login name - 20 characters
  • First name - 20 characters
  • Last name - 30 characters

Following the above mentioned character limits for user creation, a user will be created for OpenELIS. As soon as the user is created, it starts reflecting in the “system_user” table.

Taking an example of a user which has:

First Name - Keannaemilyelizebeth

Last Name - Romanadveratrelunder

In such a case, the user will be created and will be allowed to collect sample. But, the result entry of the result will not be allowed, resulting in in-completion of a lab test journey. Another finding is that this scenario does not occur if this user only validates the tests results (considering the lab test results are entered by another user successfully).

This is because the column “non_user_name” of “result_signature” table allows the concatenation of only 20 characters of a user’s first name and last name. So, users who have their first name and last name after concatenation, more than 20 characters, those users will not be able to enter results. The next page shows a system error.

On of the solutions can be the increase of the character limit of:

  • Login Name - 50 characters
  • First Name - 50 characters
  • Last Name - 50 characters
  • Column “non_user_name” of the table “result_signature” to 101 as the maximum length of the first name is ‘50 characters’ and the last name is ‘50 characters’ and ‘one space’ for the gap to define the difference between a person’s last name and first name.

Do you all think this is the correct approach ?

The approach we are thinking is to update the liquibase file of OpenELIS using ALTER column SQL. We will update the character limit of “non_user_name” to 101, “first_name” to 50 and “last_name” to 50. This is also because the character limit of Bahmni is the same.

Thoughts? @angshuonline @mksrom

This issue is OpenELIS specific right? not related to other components of Bahmni? I would suggest to propose the change on the OpenELIS code base and then port that into Bahmni’s fork of OpenELIS.

The change should be implemented with whatever tool OpenELIS itself is using to apply changes in the model (I don’t know for sure but I think the Liquibase files are brought only on the Bahmin fork).