Error running report in reporting module

Hi everyone! I am using openmrs 2.2.1 and reporting module 1.21.0. I am trying to create a simple report using reporting module showing attendance of patient by age category and sex but I am getting error when running the report. Error running report -

Here is the process I followed creating the report

  1. I created sex queries for male and female through Administration>Manage report definitions>Cohort queries it was running successful
  2. I created an age queries for pediatrics(0 - 14 years) and adults (above 14 years old) through Administration>Manage report definitions>Cohort queries it was running successful
  3. I created dimensions for sex (male and female) and age (pediatrics and adults) Manage reports>Dimension definitions it was running successful
  4. I created indicator definition for patient attendance through Manage reports>Indicator definitions it was running successful
  5. Through Report administration I created the report by identifying the indicators but when I run it I get an error attached

Are you able to reproduce it on the demo server?

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When I recreate the report on I get stuck creating dimensions for sex and age at this stage it does not submit.

Try this server:

So from currently I am getting an error even from previewing Age Dimension which has pediatric cohort query and adult cohort query but sex Dimension is working fine.