Error installing - activating modules in Reference Application 2.9.0 (Platform 2.2.0 WAR)

Dear all,

I have issues when activating Modules for Reference Application 2.9.0 fresh install.

After I copied the modules files from the to the /opt/tomcat/.OpenMRS/modules (aswell as the owa files to the owa folder) I got below error after reloading the OpenMRS through the Tomcat web manager when accessing the OpenMRS URL

The following error occurred at startup:

Unable to start OpenMRS. Error thrown was: org.openmrs.module.ModuleException: Unable to initialize servlet: org.openmrs.web.dwr.OpenmrsDWRServlet@3f179700 Module: legacyui

Full error message is here,

Need your help .


Is this of help? Hibernate error while installing OpenMRS

Thanks Daniel. Already chown to tomcat user and same problem still.

Can you try deploy OpenMRS again?

Sorry redeploy meaning?

Install OpenMRS again.

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@dkayiwa redeployed and it works… thanks a lot.

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@ahyz does your link for long error expires !.