Empty Result From /program GET Endpoint in Reference Application 2.5

I’m using the OpenMRS 2.5 standalone reference application and currently working on getting program enrollment field data from the reporting rest module, but I discovered the /program GET endpoint returns an empty result set. I was wondering if there is a way to get a demo data into the DB accessible from that endpoint to be used for testing.

Did you try the “referencedemodata.createDemoPatientsOnNextStartup” setting to generate some demo data?

No I did not try that @dkayiwa earlier, but I just checked and the value is currently set to 0.

Look for your settings page that looks like this: http://qa-refapp.openmrs.org/openmrs/admin/maintenance/settings.list?show=Referencedemodata

I just tried setting it to 1 and restarted the app but the /program endpoint still returns an empty result.

I tried posting data to the endpoint and I was able to retrieve it after.