Does Location based access control provides support for assigning clinics to a doctor/provider?

We have a use case in hospital where we need to assign a clinic to a doctor.For example we will creates different clinics(openmrs location).We want the admin assign the clinic to a doctor.It might be possible that one clinic may be assign to different doctor depends on their working hours.

@suthagar23 and @dkayiwa guys would you like to give your input on this usecase.Does the Location base access module currently support this.


Yes it’s possible :slight_smile:. But we just allow one location for a user, So one doctor(user) can have access to only one location, and he/she can’t access other locations. We are planning to extend this facility to adopt multiple locations for a user in the coming sprints.

What you need to do is, Assign the patients, and respected doctor user to a clinic location and then active the loactionBasedAcccessControl module. It will work as you expected :smile:
