Documentation Guidance for New Squads?

Hi everyone!

Over the past few weeks, a couple of new squads have started to form: Analytics | ETL and OpenMRS Academy. We want to make sure that everyone knows some of the basics about our squads like:

  • What do they do?
  • Who is involved?
  • How can I join?
  • When do they meet?
  • Where do they chat?
  • Where does their documentation live?

I looked at our OpenMRS Community space and some current squad pages under Development Projects on our Wiki for a template or a good example that these squads could follow - and realized that there really isn’t a lot of consistency right now when it comes to what information lives where or format. I’ve summarized what information most teams and squads tend to post - and highlighted where clearer guidance is needed in a Google doc.

I brought up the idea of turning this into some guidance for teams or squads the Documentation Team yesterday. I’d really like to have your feedback on the draft guidance we can get Wiki pages up for these two new squads quickly.

Please take 15-20 minutes to read through the draft guidance, share your thoughts and opinions, and ask questions.


Sorry that GUADEC and a temporary teaching gig last week delayed my comments, but left a few on the doc. This is a solid draft, to say the least.