Daylight Saving Time ends in USA on 5 November

Daylight Savings changes on Sunday, November 5, 2017. This will change the time of some of the standing OpenMRS calls. When attending community calls this week, please confirm the time of your call well ahead of time on the OpenMRS Calendar. For design and project management calls please see below:

If you are following US Daylight Savings changes, then:

  • Monday design forum moves one hour earlier (it switches slots with the PM call)
  • Monday project management call moves one hour later (it switches slots with the design call)
  • Wednesday design forum stays the same

If you are not following US Daylight Savings changes, then:

  • Monday design forum stays the same
  • Monday project management call moves two hours earlier (happens before the design call instead of after it)
  • Wednesday design forum moves one hour earlier

Please note that Europe ended DST Sunday, October 29, 2017. More DST dates and locations are available here: