Dates for Our First Quarterly Virtual Community Meeting

Hi everyone,

At OMRS20, many seemed interested in connecting virtually more frequently. Over the next couple of weeks, we have a squad showcase and an implementers’ showcase on the calendar. Instead of holding two separate showcases, this is a great opportunity to hold our first quarterly virtual community meeting by combining the two .and expanding our agenda to include additional topics.

This wouldn’t be as long as our annual implementers’ meeting: instead of 5 hours for 5 days, we’re probably looking at 2pm to 5pm UTC for 2 days.

Tell us what dates you prefer for this first meeting!

Quarterly Virtual Meeting Dates
  • March 9 and 10
  • March 10 and 11
  • March 16 and 17
  • March 17 and 18

0 voters

If you are interested in helping us plan this meeting or would like to facilitate a session, please let us know!


Looking forward.