Data doesn't appear correctly on VISIT form

I have added New section on VISIT form but after adding it, it doesn’t display properly on VISIT form. Section get overlapped with “Fee Information”.


        "id": "",
        "extensionPointId": "org.bahmni.registration.navigation",
        "type": "link",
        "url": "/search",
        "icon": "fa-search",
        "order": 1,
        "requiredPrivilege": "View Patients"
        "id": "bahmni.registration.navigation.patient.create",
        "extensionPointId": "org.bahmni.registration.navigation",
        "type": "link",
        "translationKey": "REGISTRATION_CREATE_NEW_CONFIG_KEY",
        "url": "/patient/new",
        "icon": "fa-plus",
        "order": 2,
        "requiredPrivilege": "Add Patients"
        "id": "",
        "extensionPointId": "",
        "type": "link",
        "translationKey": "REGISTRATION_VIEW_CONFIG_KEY",
        "url": "/patient/{{patientUuid}}",
        "icon": "fa-patient-edit",
        "order": 1,
        "requiredPrivilege": "View Patients"
        "id": "bahmni.registration.conceptSetGroup.nutritionalLevels",
        "extensionPointId": "org.bahmni.registration.conceptSetGroup.observations",
        "type": "config",
        "extensionParams": {
            "conceptName": "Nutritional Values",
            "translationKey": "NUTRITIONAL_VALUES_LOCALE_KEY",
            "conceptNames": ["Height", "Weight", "BMI", "BMI STATUS"],
            "showLatest": true
        "order": 1,
        "requiredPrivilege": "Edit Visits"
        "id": "bahmni.registration.conceptSetGroup.feeInformation",
        "extensionPointId": "org.bahmni.registration.conceptSetGroup.observations",
        "type": "config",
        "extensionParams": {
            "conceptName": "Fee Information",
            "translationKey": "FEE_INFORMATION_LOCALE_KEY",
            "showLatest" : false
        "order": 6,
        "requiredPrivilege": "Edit Visits"
		"id": "bahmni.registration.conceptSetGroup.Activity",         
		"extensionPointId": "org.bahmni.registration.conceptSetGroup.observations",         
		"type": "config",         
		"extensionParams": {             
			"conceptName": "Questions",             
			"showLatest" : false         
		"order": 2,         
		"requiredPrivilege": "Edit Visits"


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We have the same problem with configuring the registration screen:

here are our apps config files:


We have looked at the above scenario and there is a UI issue that exists. We will update the thread once the issue gets fixed or you can also track the progress of the issue here.

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Thanks @lipika for addressing this issue so quickly!

Hi @lipika and Bahmni Team, How should we go about patching one of our implementation servers with this fix? Is this fixed with the latest bahmni installer? Any instructions on how to deploy this simple fix would be appreciated. Thanks!

@lipika / @vinay - I’m curious about minor bug fixes like this and whether it is possible to backport to 0.81 release line so we might take advantage of it in our upcoming deployment. This one appears to be slated for 0.82 release, but also appears to simply be removing a class from a single html element on the page.

Thanks, Mike

@mseaton/@cioan - We have already fixed this in both 0.82 and 0.81. The 0.81 patch release which we plan to release soon (in a week’s time or earlier ) would have a fix for this.

@sushma - I have updated to 0.81 but still data doesn’t appear correctly. It display the same way as it displayed earlier.

@vvmane : What is the version of bahmni-installer you updated to ?

@sravanthi17 0.81

what is the complete version of bahmni-installer ?

yum list installed | grep bahmni-installer