Custom Openmrs O3, custom features and functions

How to make my own Openmrs o3, cloning openmrs-esm-core repo, I want to add my custom login (by telephone number for example) or add new functions and features (printing, seeing patient’s data by scanning QR code, sending SMS to patient)

@temurbekunical This is a bright thought! Kindly could there be something you wished to know?

I’m running “GitHub - openmrs/openmrs-esm-core: The core modules of the OpenMRS 3.0 Frontend system” with yarn. It’s sending request to itself like this: http://localhost:8080/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/session) and if i turn off my internet, it’s not working. Its kinda sending request somewhere to openMRS site, and i don’t want it)

I wanna make it all things my own backend, api also. Can you tell me how can i do it on fully local?

Have you reviewed our excellent Academy course and documentation? It covers the building blocks for how you add your own custom functionality. Some things, like changing how you login, will require working with the backend. Unfortunately, we don’t have step-by-step tutorials to cover specific features.

Can I change BASE URL (E2E_BASE_URL) of frontend core module in “openmrs-esm-core” repository, I changed “.env” file, but it is not working (I renamed “.env.example” to “.env”)

Yes, you can change the E2E_BASE_URL in the openmrs-esm-core repository, but simply renaming .env.example to .env may not be enough. Kindly also ensure the following is in place:

  • The .env file is placed in the correct directory (usually the root of the repository).

  • Double-check that E2E_BASE_URL is correctly defined in the .env file: e.g E2E_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8080/openmrs (if you are using the local server) if you are using the demo server append the URL to the demo server.

  • Manually Set Environment Variables

  • If your project uses Webpack/Vite, make sure dotenv is loading the environment variables correctly

I did that, but not worked(

Its well! mine is failing too but I have reached out for help just incase I succeed I will share my findings and I don’t mind learning from you too just incase you succeed.

Could you spell out a little more what “not working” means? What are you doing? What are you expecting to happen that doesn’t? Do you have a local version of OpenMRS setup and running? Etc,

Hi @ibacher. So basically I am a frontend developer, I want to run my custom version of OpenMRS, with all codes available to add, edit, customize. After some research, I edited O3 in “openmrs-distro-referenceapplication” repository with JSON config, but that was not enought for me. I wanted to change frontend code itself to add custom features such as printing… etc. (React .TSX files) and run again. I installed and run “openmrs-core” and “openmrs-esm-core” repos. Changed baseurl and some logic that I mentioned above “openmrs-esm-core” and rerun again, but it did not worked (

I’m still not sure what you mean by “it did not work”. Could you elaborate? It may be helpful to attend one of the Coffee Break calls to get some live advice.

Hahaha! my assumption was/is he is trying to run the playwright e2e test on the given repository and I stand to be corrected. @temurbekunical to get help quickly kindly try these trick:

  1. Describe what you are doing and what you want to achieve.
  2. List the steps you have followed up to the point you are getting an error.
  3. Share the error you are facing on the server side or on your terminal depending on where the error is displayed .