Creating Reference and Platform module using SDK

Hello brothers @ivange94 and @taremwatadeo thanks for your support,Before I post some thing else there is something strange happening. I have two commands which access my mysql ie mysql -u root -p and mysql -u openmrs -p when I use the first command to access mysql it works and the following command CREATE DATABASE also works,but when I execute the same command I get an error message when I start mysql with my set user-name.What could be the cause of this? this is the error message: ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user ‘’@‘localhost’ to database ‘server1’ I think if this is solved then everything will be ok.

Do you have a mysql user called openmrs?

Yes I username is openmrs

looks like this user you created has to permission to access the database. try this GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO ‘openmrs’@‘localhost’; this grants all the root previleges to the user “openmrs” that you created. but you have to be logged in using the mysql -u root -p in order to grant the previlege

But I don’t get why you’ll need that anyways. If you can log in as root then just supplier your root credentials to the sdk during server setup. I’ve never needed to create an openmrs user yet I have about 50 servers setup.

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maybe he has other business with root but otherwise myself i have never thought of creating a mysql user for what?? since everything is on my computer maybe if his computer is shared then it is understandable he may not want to damage other peoples work

Hello @tendomart, @ivange94, @taremwatadeo, @dkayiwa It has been a while from the time we communicated,Am back here just to say Thanx.Every thing is up and running and the problem was with me.I needed to just learn some extra commands like taskkill and some few other things.Once again thank you family::openmrs:


@ddmaker Way to go bro
welcome back ,good to hear things worked out well

Well coding is like that 
we all need each other
A small issue can steal plenty of time
“two heads are better than one” remember?

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I saw an empty string password in the pastiebin. Is it worth mentioning for future referrers that empty string passwords are not accepted in the connection. I seemed to have these issues until I set a password for the user in my database configurations

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Could you please create an issue in JIRA for the SDK project so we make empty passwords work?

@raff Done. Issue SDK-230

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